Applying to High School

The District is home to over 30 public and public charter high schools (Grades 9-12). Students can apply to up to 12 high schools on the My School DC application. They also have the option of enrolling directly at their DCPS in-boundary high school, their feeder school, or applying to a school that does not participate in My School DC.
- Set up a family account
- Tip for students: If you create a family account with your personal email address, make sure to include your guardian’s email address in Section 2 of the application.
- Gather the information you need to complete your My School DC application.
- Remember: Selective high schools and programs require additional information on the My School DC application. Learn about these requirements below and allow yourself enough time to gather them prior to the February 1 application deadline. You will not be able to submit the application if you do not have all required information.
- Add the schools on your list to your My School DC application and rank them in the order you prefer.
- The order you rank your schools lets us know the order in which you want to be matched to schools; it does not affect your chances of acceptance to a selective school nor does it affect any preferences you may qualify for such as sibling or transfer preference.
- Submit your application by February 3.
- You can make edits to your submitted application any time before February 3. You can update your school rankings up until March 14 at 5 p.m.
- Make a list.
- Use the School Finder and search for schools by address, grade and program type (such as interscholastic sports, STEM, AP classes, and more). You can also map your potential commute to school with this tool. Note: There is no guarantee of a lottery match or waitlist offer at the schools you apply to so apply to all the schools you want to attend. You can apply to up to 12!
- Check out the high schools’ school profiles.
- They show basic information about each school and you can view their open house schedules. Make note of grades for which they take applications, as well as past lottery data showing the number of seats made available in a grade, the waitlist length at time of results and the waitlist movement.
- Look for specific school requirements.
- Some high schools have age cutoffs. Other schools require transcript reviews of credits earned for promotion to the grade you’re applying to. (For example, some schools do not give credit for classes where a “D” is earned in a class.) Work with your middle school counselor for guidance on requirements.
- Attend EdFEST, school fairs and open houses.
- Download these helpful questions and ask them directly to schools you are interested in to help narrow your choices.
- Use your networks.
- It is helpful to talk with people you know (e.g., neighbors, friends, school counselors) who are knowledgeable about the schools you are thinking of applying to.
- Decide your ranking.
- You will rank your final list of schools in the order you prefer. Ranking your list in this order is important. Here’s why.
Transcripts and Credits
All public DC high schools have minimum graduation requirements. Individual schools may have additional required courses and the threshold for a passing grade can vary (e.g., you can earn credit with a “D” at one high school, but need at least a “C” at another). Many schools do require a transcript review in order for a student to enroll and a passing grade at one school does not necessarily earn credit at another.
- DCPS In-boundary Schools: A My School DC application is not required.
- DCPS Out-of-boundary Schools: A My School DC application is required.
- DCPS Citywide Schools: A My School DC application is required.
- DCPS Selective High Schools and Programs: A My School DC application is required. Students program must complete an additional section of the My School DC application where selective high schools may require a report card, essay, and staff recommendations. See admissions processes and criteria below.
- DCPS and Charter Feeder Schools: A My School DC application is not required. If you accept a seat at a school outside your feeder pattern, you may lose the right to that feeder pattern. Please check with your school for more information or call the My School DC Hotline at (202) 888-6336.
- Public Charter Schools: A My School DC application is required.
- Adult or Alternative Education Options: There are public and public charter high schools that offer alternative programming and do not participate in the My School DC lottery program. The District also has a ReEngagement Center that offers a range of services to District youth (ages 16-24) not currently in school and who don’t have a high school diploma or GED to help them reconnect to educational options and other critical services to support their attainment of a diploma or GED. Visit to learn more.
Familiarize yourself with each selective high school and program’s application requirements and selection criteria below. Please note, admission to a selective high school or program is based on students meeting specific criteria, not random lottery. More here on how the lottery matching works.
Click here to download a copy of the requirements for selective high schools and programs (PDF)
The 2025-26 DCPS selective high school/program eligibility rubrics can be found here.
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter report cards required. GPA of 2.0 or above recommended.
- Essay: Yes, essay administered in person.
- Admissions Process: Application review, in person on-site essay, and individual interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): English teacher; Math teacher
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th – 11th
- Eligibility rubric (9th, 10th, and 11th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter report cards required.
- Essay: Yes, there are two essays required:
- One essay will be submitted online in your My School DC application.
- One essay administered in person.
- Online Essay Question:
- As a student of Benjamin Banneker Academic High School, please describe how you would manage and balance a rigorous academic workload along with your social, emotional and personal demands in your life.
- Essay Character Limit*: Character limit: 5,000.
- Admissions Process: Application review; family interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): English teacher; Math teacher; Counselor or Administrator
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th – 10th
- Eligibility rubric (9th and 10th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter; Attendance should be included on report card.
- Essay: No essay; however, a student interest survey is required.
- Admissions Process: Application review; Individual interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): English teacher; Math teacher.
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th – 12th
- Eligibility rubric (9th – 12th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter report cards required.
- Essay: Yes, online essay.
- Online Essay Questions:
- Please write a paragraph explaining why (Cinematic Arts & Media Production; Dance; Instrumental Music; Museum Studies; Technical Design and Production or Arts Management; Theatre; Visual Arts; Vocal Music) is important to you and what role art plays in your life.
- Additional Program Based Online Essay Questions:
- Cinematic Arts & Media Production:
- Please write a paragraph explaining your personal goals as an artist and any experiences you may have had that could impact your decision to pursue Cinematic Arts & Media Production.
- Technical Design and Production or Arts Management
- Please define "Technical Design and Production or Arts Management". (2000 characters)
- Explain why you are interested in Technical Design and Production or Arts Management, including your interest in specific aspect of technical design and production (example: lights, costume, sound, set, stage management, etc.), and what you plan to do with the training you receive from Ellington's Technical Design and Production department.
- Cinematic Arts & Media Production:
- Essay Character Limit*: 5,000 characters.
- Admissions Process: Application review; audition; family interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): Math teacher; Art teacher (or other); Counselor or Administrator.
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th – 12th
- Eligibility rubric (9th – 12th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter; GPA of 3.0 or above recommended.
- Essay: Yes, essay submitted online in your My School DC application.
- Online Essay Question:
- What are your college/career goals after high school? What steps have you already taken to prepare for those goals? How do you believe the Coolidge High School Early College Academy will help you achieve those goals?
- Essay Character Limit*: 5,000 characters.
- Admissions Process: Application review; family interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): English teacher, Math teacher.
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th – 11th
- Eligibility rubric (9th – 11th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter; GPA of 3.0 or above required (English, History, Math, and Science).
- Essay: Yes, essay administered in person.
- Admissions Process: Application review; in person on-site essay; group interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): English teacher; Math teacher.
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th - 11th
- Eligibility rubric (9th - 11th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter; GPA of 2.5 or above recommended; attendance should be included on report card.
- Essay: Yes, essay administered in person.
- Admissions Process: Application review; on-site essay; indvidual interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): Math teacher; Counselor or Administrator.
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th - 11th
- Eligibility rubric (9th - 11th grades): Here
- Report Card: Final SY23-24 and SY24-25 First Quarter; GPA of 3.0 or above required; GPA of 3.5 or above recommended.
- Essay: Yes, essay administered in person.
- Admissions Process: Application review; in person on-site essay; family interview.
- Recommendations (completed online through My School DC application): English teacher; Math teacher.
- Grades Accepting Applications: 9th – 12th
- Eligibility rubric (9th - 11th grades): Here
*The My School DC application does not have spellcheck or character count. It is recommended that students first write their essay in a Word document to check for spelling and character count limits, save, then copy and paste onto the application when ready.